Throughout human history, certain inventions have not only revolutionized society but have also generated extraordinary wealth for their creators and the companies that commercialized them. These innovations range from simple everyday items to complex technological breakthroughs, each leaving an indelible mark on both commerce and culture.
The Smartphone Revolution

The iPhone, introduced by Apple in 2007, stands as one of the most profitable inventions in history. While not the first smartphone, Apple’s revolutionary design and user interface transformed mobile communications and computing. The iPhone alone has generated over $1.5 trillion in revenue since its launch, making it the most profitable product ever created. The broader smartphone industry, including Android devices, has created wealth exceeding $4 trillion, fundamentally changing how people communicate, work, and entertain themselves.
Pharmaceutical Breakthroughs

Among medical innovations, antibiotics rank as one of the most profitable and impactful inventions. Alexander Fleming’s discovery of penicillin, later developed into a commercial product by Howard Florey and Ernst Chain, launched a pharmaceutical revolution. The antibiotics market has generated hundreds of billions in revenue while saving countless lives. Similarly, vaccines have proven immensely profitable, with the smallpox vaccine alone estimated to have generated over $300 billion in economic benefits through disease prevention and productivity gains.
The Printing Press

Johannes Gutenberg’s printing press, while revolutionary in its time, set the stage for one of history’s most enduring profitable industries. The invention democratized knowledge and created the publishing industry, which continues to generate substantial revenues today. Modern printing and publishing, including digital formats, generate over $800 billion annually, demonstrating the lasting economic impact of Gutenberg’s innovation.
Personal Computing

The personal computer, pioneered by companies like Apple, IBM, and Microsoft, has generated astronomical profits through both hardware and software sales. Microsoft Windows alone has generated over $300 billion in revenue since its inception. The PC revolution laid the groundwork for the modern digital economy, creating numerous billionaires and spawning countless profitable subsidiary industries.
Internet and Web Technologies
While the internet itself was not initially created for profit, the technologies and platforms built upon it have generated unprecedented wealth. Search engines, particularly Google, have created some of the most profitable businesses in history. Google’s search advertising business has generated over $1 trillion in revenue since its founding. Social media platforms like Facebook have similarly created hundreds of billions in value through advertising and data monetization.
Energy Innovations

The internal combustion engine, while not typically considered in terms of direct profits, has generated immense wealth through its application in automobiles and other machinery. The automotive industry, built upon this invention, generates trillions in annual revenue. Similarly, Thomas Edison’s electric light bulb and subsequent electrical distribution systems created the foundation for the modern electrical industry, worth trillions today.
Entertainment Technologies
The television, invented in the early 20th century, spawned a massive entertainment industry that continues to generate enormous profits. The combined revenue of television hardware, broadcasting, and content creation exceeds $500 billion annually. More recently, streaming technology has revolutionized content distribution, with companies like Netflix building multi-billion dollar enterprises on this innovation.
The most profitable inventions share common characteristics: they either solved fundamental human needs, created entirely new markets, or dramatically improved existing solutions. While some inventors profited immensely from their creations, others saw their innovations generate wealth primarily for the companies that commercialized them. What remains clear is that transformative inventions continue to create immense economic value, driving progress and prosperity across societies.
The Modern Frontier
Today, emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, and quantum computing show promise of generating similar or even greater profits than their predecessors. As innovation continues to accelerate, new inventions will undoubtedly join the ranks of history’s most profitable creations, reshaping economies and societies in ways we are only beginning to understand.